Materials for class on Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Download the slides from today’s lecture.

Data to download
Download these and put them in a folder named “data” in an RStudio project:
Live code
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Tidy text analysis
In class, we looked at a bunch of different methods for analyzing text. At the foundation of all this text analysis, all we’re really doing is counting words in fancy ways. This stuff isn’t magic—it’s just counting.
We’ll start by loading the libraries we’ll need, as well as the data linked above.
# For cool natural language processing; go to
# https://statsmaths.github.io/cleanNLP/ for documentation and examples
# Text from http://scriptures.nephi.org/
scriptures <- read_csv("data/lds-scriptures.csv") %>%
select(volume_title, book_title, chapter_number, verse_number, scripture_text)
# Get just the Book of Mormon and make sure the book names are in order
bom <- scriptures %>%
filter(volume_title == "Book of Mormon") %>%
mutate(book_title = fct_inorder(book_title))
# Get just the OT and NT
bible <- scriptures %>%
filter(volume_title %in% c("Old Testament", "New Testament"))
# Download 4 Dickens books
dickens <- gutenberg_download(c(19337, 98, 1400, 766),
meta_fields = "title")
# Load the pre-parts-of-speechified BoM so you don't have to run the tagger yourself
bom_annotated <- read_csv("data/bom_annotated.csv")
Part-of-speech tagging
When you first work with text in R, R has no way of knowing if words are nouns, verbs, or adjectives. You can algorithmically predict what part of speech each word is using a part-of-speech tagger, like spaCy
or Stanford NLP. You can do this in R with the cleanNLP
package, which connects to external natural language processing algorithms like spaCy or Stanford’s thing.
Installing cleanNLP
is trivial—it’s just a normal R package, so use the “Packages” panel in RStudio—but connecting it with external NLP algorithms is a little trickier. To install spaCy, which is a really fast tagging library, do this:
- Make sure Python is installed (it is if you’re on macOS or Linux; good luck with Windows—I have no idea how to install this stuff there, but there’s a way).
Open Terminal and run this command to install
:pip install -U spacy
Run this command to download
’s English algorithms:python -m spacy download en
The end!
Here’s the general process for tagging (they call it annotating) text:
- Make a dataset where the first column is the id (line number, chapter number, book+chapter, whatever) and the second column is the text itself.
- Initialize the NLP tagger. You can use an R-only one that doesn’t need Python or any other external dependencies with
. If you’ve installed spaCy, usecnlp_init_spacy()
. If you’ve installed Stanford’s thing, usecnlp_init_corenlp()
. - Feed the data frame from step 1 into the
function and wait. - Save the tagged data as a file on your computer so you don’t have to retag it every time. Use
cnlp_get_tif() %>% write_csv()
. - The end!
# Wrangle BoM text into format that cnlp_annotate() needs
bom_chapters <- bom %>%
mutate(book_chapter = paste(book_title, chapter_number)) %>%
select(book_title, book_chapter, scripture_text) %>%
nest(scripture_text) %>%
mutate(text = data %>% map_chr(~ paste(.$scripture_text, collapse = " "))) %>%
select(book_chapter, text, book_title)
# Set up NLP backend
# cnlp_init_udpipe() # This NLP engine doesn't need Python, but it's so so so slow
cnlp_init_spacy() # Use spaCy
# Tag all the parts of speech!
bom_annotated <- cnlp_annotate(bom_chapters, as_strings = TRUE)
# Save the tagged data so we don't have to tag it all again
cnlp_get_tif(bom_annotated) %>%
write_csv(path = "data/bom_annotated.csv")
Tokens and word counts
Single words
Now that we have tidy text, we can start counting words. Here’s what’s happening below:
- We use
to split each verse (in this case each row is a verse; that’s not always the case, though—sometimes it’ll be chapters or lines or entire books) into separate words. - We use
to remove all the common stop words like “a” and “the”. You can do the same thing withfilter()
like so:filter(!(word %in% stop_words$word))
(I prefer this way, actually) - We count how many times each word appears and sort the list
- We keep just the top 15 words
- We plot it with
bom_words <- bom %>%
unnest_tokens(word, scripture_text) %>%
anti_join(stop_words) %>%
# count(book_title, word, sort = TRUE)
count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
top_n(15) %>%
mutate(word = fct_inorder(word))
ggplot(bom_words, aes(x = fct_rev(word), y = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
labs(y = "Count", x = NULL, title = "15 most frequent words in the Book of Mormon") +
We can also look at the frequency of pairs of words. First we’ll look at common bigrams, filtering out stop words again (since we don’t want things like “of the” and “in the”):
bom_bigrams <- bom %>%
unnest_tokens(bigram, scripture_text, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>%
# Split the bigram column into two columns
separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ") %>%
filter(!word1 %in% stop_words$word,
!word2 %in% stop_words$word) %>%
# Put the two word columns back together
unite(bigram, word1, word2, sep = " ") %>%
count(bigram, sort = TRUE) %>%
# We could plot this bom_bigrams object with geom_col(), but I'll skip that part
# Here's what this looks like:
## # A tibble: 10 x 2
## bigram n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 thou hast 127
## 2 lord god 115
## 3 holy ghost 94
## 4 thou shalt 94
## 5 lord hath 67
## 6 jesus christ 66
## 7 beloved brethren 65
## 8 thou art 57
## 9 judgment seat 54
## 10 behold ye 49
Bigrams and probability
We can replicate the “She Giggles, He Gallops” idea by counting the bigrams that match “he X” and “she X”.
The log ratio idea shows how much more likely a word is compared to its counterpart (so “she fled” is more than 4x more likely to appear than “he fled”. In this graph, I replaced the x-axis labels with “2x” and “4x”, but without those, you get numbers like 1, 2, and 3 (or -1, -2, -3)). To convert those logged ratio numbers into the multiplicative version (i.e. 2x instead of 1), raise 2 to the power of the log ratio. If the log ratio is 3, the human-readable version is \(2^3\), or 8 times.
# Take the log of 8:
## [1] 3
# Reverse log of 3:
## [1] 8
The only text wizardry here is tokenizing the words. Pretty much the rest of all this code is just dplyr
mutating, filtering, and counting:
pronouns <- c("he", "she")
bigram_he_she_counts <- bom %>%
unnest_tokens(bigram, scripture_text, token = "ngrams", n = 2) %>%
count(bigram, sort = TRUE) %>%
# Split the bigram column into two columns
separate(bigram, c("word1", "word2"), sep = " ") %>%
# Only choose rows where the first word is he or she
filter(word1 %in% pronouns) %>%
count(word1, word2, wt = n, sort = TRUE) %>%
rename(total = nn)
word_ratios <- bigram_he_she_counts %>%
# Look at each of the second words
group_by(word2) %>%
# Only choose rows where the second word appears more than 10 times
filter(sum(total) > 10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Spread out the word1 column so that there's a column named "he" and one named "she"
spread(word1, total, fill = 0) %>%
# Add 1 to each number so that logs work (just in case any are zero)
mutate_if(is.numeric, funs((. + 1) / sum(. + 1))) %>%
# Create a new column that is the logged ratio of the she counts to he counts
mutate(logratio = log2(she / he)) %>%
# Sort by that ratio
# Rearrange this data so it's plottable
plot_word_ratios <- word_ratios %>%
# This gets the words in the right order---we take the absolute value, select
# only rows where the log ratio is bigger than 0, and then take the top 15 words
mutate(abslogratio = abs(logratio)) %>%
group_by(logratio < 0) %>%
top_n(15, abslogratio) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(word = reorder(word2, logratio))
# Finally we plot this
ggplot(plot_word_ratios, aes(word, logratio, color = logratio < 0)) +
geom_segment(aes(x = word, xend = word,
y = 0, yend = logratio),
size = 1.1, alpha = 0.6) +
geom_point(size = 3.5) +
coord_flip() +
labs(y = "How much more/less likely", x = NULL) +
scale_color_discrete(name = "", labels = c("More 'she'", "More 'he'")) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-3, 3),
labels = c("8x", "4x", "2x",
"Same", "2x", "4x", "8x")) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
Sentiment analysis
At its core, sentiment analysis involves looking at a big list of words for how negative or positive they are. Some sentiment dictionaries mark if a word is “negative” or “positive”; some give words a score from -3 to 3; some give different emotions like “sadness” or “anger”. You can see what the different dictionaries look like with get_sentiments()
get_sentiments("afinn") # Scoring system
## # A tibble: 2,476 x 2
## word score
## <chr> <int>
## 1 abandon -2
## 2 abandoned -2
## 3 abandons -2
## 4 abducted -2
## 5 abduction -2
## 6 abductions -2
## 7 abhor -3
## 8 abhorred -3
## 9 abhorrent -3
## 10 abhors -3
## # ... with 2,466 more rows
# get_sentiments("bing") # Negative/positive
# get_sentiments("nrc") # Specific emotions
# get_sentiments("loughran") # Designed for financial statements; positive/negative
Here we split the book of Alma into words, join a sentiment dictionary to it, and use dplyr data wrangling to calculate the net number positive words in each chapter. Had we used the AFINN library, we could calculate the average sentiment per chapter, since AFINN uses a scoring system instead of negative/positive labels.
alma_sentiment <- bom %>%
# Only look at Alma
filter(book_title == "Alma") %>%
# Split into individual words
unnest_tokens(word, scripture_text) %>%
# Join bing sentiment dicionary
inner_join(get_sentiments("bing")) %>%
# Count how many postive/negative words are in each chapter
count(chapter_number, sentiment) %>%
# Spread the count into two columns named positive and negative
spread(sentiment, n, fill = 0) %>%
# Subtract the positive words from the negative words
mutate(net_sentiment = positive - negative)
# Plot this puppy
aes(x = chapter_number, y = net_sentiment, fill = net_sentiment > 0)) +
geom_col() +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
labs(x = "Chapter", y = "Net sentiment") +
We can determine which words are the most unique for each book/document in our corpus using by calculating the tf-idf (term frequency-inverse document frequency) score for each term. The tf-idf is the product of the term frequency and the inverse document frequency:
\[ \begin{aligned} tf(\text{term}) &= \frac{n_{\text{term}}}{n_{\text{terms in document}}} \\ idf(\text{term}) &= \ln{\left(\frac{n_{\text{documents}}}{n_{\text{documents containing term}}}\right)} \\ tf\text{-}idf(\text{term}) &= tf(\text{term}) \times idf(\text{term}) \end{aligned} \]
Fortunately you don’t need to remember that formula. The bind_tf_idf()
function will calculate this for you. Remember, the higher the tf-idf number, the more unique the term is in the document, but these numbers are meaningless and unitless—you can’t convert them to a percentage or anything.
For the sake of space, here are the most unique words in the 4 books of Nephi (I don’t want to try to fit 15 facets on this website)
# Get a list of words in all the books
bom_words <- bom %>%
unnest_tokens(word, scripture_text) %>%
count(book_title, word, sort = TRUE) %>%
# Add the tf-idf for these words
bom_tf_idf <- bom_words %>%
bind_tf_idf(word, book_title, n) %>%
# Get the top 10 uniquest words in just the Nephi books
bom_tf_idf_plot <- bom_tf_idf %>%
filter(str_detect(book_title, "Nephi")) %>%
group_by(book_title) %>%
top_n(10) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(word = fct_inorder(word))
ggplot(bom_tf_idf_plot, aes(x = fct_rev(word), y = tf_idf, fill = book_title)) +
geom_col() +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
labs(y = "tf-idf", x = NULL) +
facet_wrap(~ book_title, scales = "free") +
theme_minimal() +
Topic modeling
With topic modeling, we go beyond just counting words and we do some cool unsupervised Bayesian machine learning to find a number of clusters of words that tend to hang together.
dickens_dtm <- dickens %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%
# Get rid of stop words
anti_join(stop_words) %>%
count(title, word, sort = TRUE) %>%
# Convert this to a document-term matrix (a strange data format that LDA nees to work)
cast_dtm(title, word, n)
# Find 10 topics (or clusters of words)
dickens_lda <- LDA(dickens_dtm, k = 10, control = list(seed = 1234))
# Convert the LDA object into a data frame that we can work with
# The beta column is essentially a measure of word importance within the
# topic---the higher the number, the more important the word is in the topic
dickens_topics <- tidy(dickens_lda, matrix = "beta")
The algorithm finds 10 clusters of words that should be statistically meaningful. In real life, you’d need to determine how these words are related and give them a human-readable name.
# Here are the most important words in each of the 10 clusters
dickens_top_terms <- dickens_topics %>%
filter(!is.na(term)) %>%
group_by(topic) %>%
top_n(10, beta) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(topic, -beta)
# Make a comma separated list of the top 10 terms in each topic
dickens_top_terms %>%
group_by(topic) %>%
nest(term) %>%
mutate(words = data %>% map_chr(~ paste(.$term, collapse = ", "))) %>%
select(-data) %>%
topic | words |
1 | time, copperfield, home, dear, mind, peggotty, half, mother, aunt, day |
2 | time, house, head, hand, miss, returned, night, door, pumblechook, day |
3 | defarge, lorry, miss, time, madame, hand, night, doctor, manette, pross |
4 | hand, house, dear, hands, night, looked, sir, business, head, returned |
5 | scrooge, christmas, ghost, spirit, time, cried, bob, scrooge’s, door, hand |
6 | peggotty, micawber, aunt, miss, time, traddles, agnes, copperfield, dora, mother |
7 | time, micawber, dear, aunt, traddles, miss, night, steerforth, murdstone, hand |
8 | lorry, head, sir, father, looked, hand, day, door, tellson’s, red |
9 | joe, pip, looked, herbert, wemmick, miss, havisham, estella, jaggers, biddy |
10 | peggotty, returned, miss, aunt, house, micawber, dear, head, agnes, eyes |
And here are those 10 topics graphed:
dickens_top_terms %>%
mutate(term = reorder(term, beta)) %>%
ggplot(aes(term, beta, fill = factor(topic))) +
geom_col(show.legend = FALSE) +
labs(x = NULL, y = "LDA beta (word importance in topic)") +
theme_minimal() +
facet_wrap(~ topic, scales = "free") +
Hapax legomena
Finally, we can do some document fingerprinting based on specific text characteristics. First, we’ll look at how often each chapter in the Book of Mormon uses hapax legomena (words that appear only once).
# Count the words in the BoM; make a new variable named hapax that is true if
# the word only appears once
bom_words <- bom %>%
unnest_tokens(word, scripture_text) %>%
count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
mutate(hapax = n == 1)
# Make a lookup table of BoM chapters. This is helpful because we need to
# combine book names and chapter numbers to get unique hapaxes in each
# book+chapter combination, but then when we plot the results, we still need
# individual non-combined columns for chapter numbers and book names. This makes
# a small data frame of book titles, chapter numbers, and combined book+chapter
bom_lookup <- bom %>%
distinct(book_title, chapter_number) %>%
mutate(book_chapter = paste0(book_title, " ", chapter_number),
book_title = as.character(book_title)) %>%
mutate(chapter_number = str_remove(book_chapter, book_title),
chapter_number = as.integer(chapter_number)) %>%
mutate(book_title = fct_inorder(book_title))
# Calculate how many hapaxes appear in each chapter of the BoM
bom_hapax <- bom %>%
unnest_tokens(word, scripture_text) %>%
left_join(bom_words, by = "word") %>%
mutate(book_chapter = paste0(book_title, " ", chapter_number)) %>%
group_by(book_chapter) %>%
summarize(num_words = n(),
num_hapax = sum(hapax, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(prop_hapax = num_hapax / num_words) %>%
left_join(bom_lookup, by = "book_chapter")
As you can see in the plot, the Isaiah chapters in 2 and 3 Nephi use a surprising number of hapaxes, indicating that they probably come from a different author.
# Plot this
ggplot(bom_hapax, aes(x = chapter_number, y = fct_rev(book_title), fill = prop_hapax)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "plasma", labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:63, expand = c(0, 0)) +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 20, barheight = 0.5, title.position = "top",
title = "Proportion of words that are hapax legomena")) +
labs(x = "Chapter", y = NULL) +
coord_equal() +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank())
Verse length
We can also make a fingerprint based on verse length. Here we use the Old and New Testaments, just for fun. Job, Psalms, and Proverbs all have really short verses, as do the first few chapters in 1 Chronicles. The verses in Revelation are longer, as are the verses in Hebrew and 2 Peter. The verse length in Luke and Acts appears to be roughly the same.
# Count how many characters there are in each verse, then calculate the average
# verse length per chapter
bible_verse_length <- bible %>%
mutate(verse_length = nchar(scripture_text)) %>%
mutate(book_title = fct_inorder(book_title)) %>%
group_by(volume_title, book_title, chapter_number) %>%
summarize(avg_verse = mean(verse_length))
# Plot this
aes(x = chapter_number, y = fct_rev(book_title), fill = avg_verse)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(direction = -1, option = "plasma") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 20, barheight = 0.5, title.position = "top",
title = "Average number of characters in verse")) +
labs(x = "Chapter", y = NULL) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
facet_wrap(~ fct_rev(volume_title), scales = "free")
Text features
Finally, we can use the big guns and get all sorts of interesting features for every verse, like the number of punctuation marks, capital letters, periods, etc. using the textfeatures()
# For textfeatures() to work, the column with the text in it has to be named text
bom_features <- bom %>%
rename(text = scripture_text) %>%
# Don't calculate sentiment because it takes a little longer. Also don't
# calculate word2vec dimensions, since these take longer to do and they're
# kinda weird and uninterpretable. Also don't normalize the final
# numbers---keep them as raw numbers
textfeatures(sentiment = FALSE, word2vec_dims = FALSE, normalize = FALSE) %>%
# Add the BoM text back to the data frame, since textfeatures wiped it out
# Look at all these columns you can work with now!
## Observations: 6,604
## Variables: 31
## $ volume_title <chr> "Book of Mormon", "Book of Mormon", "Book of ...
## $ n_urls <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_hashtags <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_mentions <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_chars <int> 304, 104, 97, 251, 114, 178, 134, 213, 114, 9...
## $ n_commas <int> 7, 2, 0, 6, 5, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 7, 7, 4, ...
## $ n_digits <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_exclaims <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, ...
## $ n_extraspaces <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_lowers <int> 288, 97, 89, 235, 105, 172, 128, 204, 109, 90...
## $ n_lowersp <dbl> 0.9475410, 0.9333333, 0.9183673, 0.9365079, 0...
## $ n_periods <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, ...
## $ n_words <int> 68, 25, 27, 56, 28, 46, 33, 46, 30, 20, 35, 1...
## $ n_caps <int> 6, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3, 7, 8, 3, ...
## $ n_nonasciis <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_puncts <int> 2, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 4, 3, 1, ...
## $ n_capsp <dbl> 0.02295082, 0.04761905, 0.06122449, 0.0277777...
## $ n_charsperword <dbl> 4.420290, 4.038462, 3.500000, 4.421053, 3.965...
## $ n_polite <dbl> 0.0000000, 0.0000000, -0.2500000, 0.0000000, ...
## $ n_first_person <int> 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, ...
## $ n_first_personp <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_second_person <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
## $ n_second_personp <int> 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, ...
## $ n_third_person <int> 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, ...
## $ n_tobe <int> 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, ...
## $ n_prepositions <int> 2, 2, 2, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 2, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, ...
## $ volume_title1 <chr> "Book of Mormon", "Book of Mormon", "Book of ...
## $ book_title <fct> 1 Nephi, 1 Nephi, 1 Nephi, 1 Nephi, 1 Nephi, ...
## $ chapter_number <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...
## $ verse_number <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...
## $ scripture_text <chr> "I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents...
Clearest and muddiest things
Go to this form and answer these two questions:
- What was the muddiest thing from class today? What are you still wondering about?
- What was the clearest thing from class today? What was the most exciting thing you learned?
I’ll compile the questions and send out answers after class.